Friday, February 19, 2010

Relay For Life Expo

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life has decided to try something new this year and host a Relay For Life Expo. The main point of the Expo is to get the community involved. In recent years, Relay For Life has seen a decline in participation which I think is sad because Cancer is definitely not declining and is still a major issue and threat. Cancer isn't stopping and neither should we!!

At the Expo the community can form Relay teams, volunteer to be on a committee, volunteer to help at the July Relay event, or volunteer to help in other ways.

Also, teams will be there selling crafts, baked goods, tickets to fund raising events, cancer awareness items, etc for donations that will go towards their team's goal and will be donated to The American Cancer Society.

Please come out and support a great cause!!

When: Saturday, March 13, 2010
Where: Eureka High School Gymnasium
Time: 11am- 2pm (Set-up starts at 9am for teams)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why We Relay...

Britni: I Relay for my Grandma Lorena Shanafelt and my Nana Billie McWhorter.
My Grandma passed away from colon cancer when I was only 4 years old. Even though I have a few memories of her I wish I had been given the chance to really know her. What I do remember is that she was beautiful inside and out, full of happiness, and her heart was full of love for my Grandpa and her family. I hate that this disease took her from us at the young age of 58, she had so much more life in her to live.

My Nana passed away from lung cancer when I was 15 years old. Even though I was older, 15 years still wasn’t enough. Nana was the rock of our family and in a way she still is. She ran Sequoia Gas Company for 23 years before she lost her battle with cancer in 1999. This year is my 10th year employed by my family’s business and the highest compliment I have received is being referred to as “Little Billie.”

I love and miss them both very much every day and wish that I had gotten more time with them. I Relay so hopefully our future generations won’t have to deal with this heartache that a lot of us know too well.

Cindy: My sister, Jane (Jacobsen) Neal, passed away February 18, 2009 after a long and brave battle with cancer.  Only 54 years old, she was one of the strongest people I have ever known. Her attitude and strength of will was remarkable. Her fight was relentless and tenacious.  Jane loved life and loved her family and she had a great sense of humor. Though she is sorely missed, her light shines brightly in all of us.  I relay for my sister, Jane.

Karen: My mom was the first person I knew who had passed away from cancer. She was 58 years old.   I was 26, my daughter Britni was 4 and my son Mathew was 1 1/2.  My mom loved her grandchildren so much and I was so happy to have a mom close by to be a Grandma to my children.  Cancer took that away from us.
Over the years I have had friends and relatives pass away from this horrible disease, but I have also seen cancer survivors as well.  My husband Mike has been cancer free for nearly 5 years!  I believe with all my heart that Relay For Life has made a huge difference, giving people the hope that is needed to survive. 
I recently read a story about a lady who's name is Kris Carr. She is a successful actress and photographer and a "cowgirl"!  On February 14th, 2003, at the age of 31, she was called in to her doctors office to get the results of some tests he had recently ran on her. Her doctor told her she had an extremely rare vascular cancer, stage IV, he told her it was inoperable and incurable. Kris went home and wrote a note-to-herself in her day planner: "Happy Valentine's Day. You have cancer."
Her life story is amazing! She is now 38!! Since her (incurable) cancer, Kris has started her own company,authored two books,(Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor). She has also made a documentary film for The Learning Channel (Crazy Sexy Cancer),she married her cameraman(a longtime friend), and created a Web site and blog ( She speaks out about cancer all over the world. Kris is often seen sporting tee shirts with sayings on them like: MY ONCOLOGIST IS MY HOMEBOY.
One of Kris's (Crazy Sexy Tips) is " Nobody can predict the future; don't be gunned down by what you hear.  Incurable isn't a declaration, it's a dare!
Just a few reason's "Why I Relay".
Karen Roberts

Megan: I relay for my Grandma Gino who passed away from pancreatic cancer at 64 years of age. I was only 7 years old when she passed but I cherish those 7 years I had with her so much. I hope that in the future we are able to find a cure for all cancer so people won't have to suffer any more from this horrible disease.

1st Annual Relay For Life Dinner & Auction